

時(shí)間:2023-04-30 07:56:45 考研真題 我要投稿
  • 相關(guān)推薦


Part One:

1. Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often _____,of better than an actual performance.


A. as good as Bas good C. good D. good as

2. My pain _____apparent the moment I walked into the room. for the first man I met asked sympathetically: "Are you feeling all right?"

A. must be B. had C. must have been D. had to be

3. The senior librarian at the circulation desk promised to get the book for me ____ she could remember who last borrowed it.

A. ever since B. much as C. even though. D if only

4. Observations were made ____ the children at the beginning and at the end of pre-school and first grade.

A. towards B. of C. on D. with

5. The article opens and closes with deions of two news reports, each ____ one major point in contrast with the other.

A. makes B. made C. is to make D. making

6. A safety analysis ___ the target as a potential danger. Unfortunately, it was never done.

A. would identify B. will identify C. would have identified D. will have identified

7. The number of registered participants in this year`s marathon was half _____ .

A. of last year`s B. those of last year`s C. of those of last year D. that of last year`s

8. For there ____ successful communication, there must be attentiveness and involvement in the discussion itself by all present.

A. is B. to be C. will be D. being

9. There was a very interesting remark in a book by an Englishman that I read recently _____ what he thought was a reason for this American characteristic.

A. giving B. gave C. to give D. given

10. No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything ____ going on in the world.

A. it is B. as is C. there is D. what is

Section B(改錯(cuò)):

ll . I`d rather you would go by train, because I can`t bear the idea of your being in an airplane             A              ?B             ?C

in such bad weather.


12 . It`s essential that people be psychological able to resist the impact brought about by the tran-

                 A      B                    C

sition form planned economy to market economy.


13. Some bosses dislike to allow people to share their responsibllities; they keep all important

             ?A        ?B                     C

matters tightly in their own hands.


14. Each cigarette whlch a person smokes does some harm, and eventually you may get a serious

                    ?A    B            ?C

disease from its effect.


15 . On the whole , ambitious students are much likely to succeed in their studies than are those

      A                    B                      ?C

with little ambition .


16. Despite much research, there are still certain elements in the life cycle of the insect that is

    A                          ?B                    C

not fully understood .


17 . In 1921 Einstein won the Nobel Prize, and was honored in Germany until the rise of Nazism

                           A              B

then he was driven from Germany because he was a Jew.

?C          D

18. The data received from the two spacecrafts whirling around Mars indicate that there is much

        A             B               ?C

evidence that huge thunderstorms are occuning about the equator of the planet .


19. Generally speaking, the bird flying across our path is observed, and the one staying on the

                    ?A                 ?B

tree near at hand is passed by without any notice taking of it.

      ?C                   ?D

20. Mercury`s velocity is so much greater than the Earth`s that it completes more than four rev-

             ?A           ?B

olutions around the Sun in the time that takes the Earth to complete one.

                   C                ?D

Section C:

21. I was speaking to Ann on the phone when suddenly we were ___.

A. hung up B. hung back C. cut down D. cut off

22. She wondered if she could have the opportunity to spend _____ here so that she could learn more about the city.

A. sometimes B. some time C. sometime D. some times

23. Ms. Green has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be ____ with everyone who comes to the store.

A. accepted B. admitted C. admired D. acquainted

24. He does not ___ as a teacher of English as his pronunciation is terrible.

A. equal B. match C. qualify D. fit

25. Dozens of scientific groups all over the world have been ____ the goal of a practical and economic way to use sunlight to split water molecules.

A. pursuing B. chasing C. reaching D. winning

26. The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that ____ the speakers stopped for refreshments.

A. at large B. at intervals C. at ease D. at random

27. When travelling, you are advised to take travellers` checks, which provide a secure ____ to carrying your money in cash.

A. substitute B. selection C preference D. alternative

28. I never trusted him because I always thought of him as such a ______ character.

A. gracious B. suspicious C. unique D. particular

29. Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it, and this _____ produces artificial cold surrounding it.

A. absorption B. transition C. consumption D. interaction

30. I didn`t say anything like that at all. You are purposely ____ my ideas to prove your point.

A. revising B. contradicting C. distorting D. distracting

31. Language culture, and personality may be considered ____ of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact.

A. indistinctly B. separately C. irrelevantly D. independently

32. Watching me pulling the calf awkwardly to the barn, the Irish milkmaid fought hard to ____ her laughter.

A. hold back B. hold on C. hold out D. hold up

33. The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her ____ attitude toward customers.

A. impartial B. mild C. hostile D. opposing

34. I ____ with thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation of this new column.

A. express B confess C. verify D. acknowledge

35. It is strictly ____ that access to confidential documents is denied to all but a few.

A. secured B. forbidden D. regulated D determined

36. The pollution question as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in ____ again next spring.

A. assembly B. session C. conference D. convention

37. Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25th ____ the birth of Jesus Christ.

A. in accordance with B. in terms of

C. in favor of D. in honor of

38. Since it is too late to change my mind now, I am _____ to carrying out the plan.

A. obliged B. committed C. engaged D. resolved

39. It was a bold idea to build a power station in the deep valley, but it ____ as well as we had hoped.

A. came off B. Went off C. brought Out D. made out

40. To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must ____ the qualities and varieties of products we make to the world --- market demand.

A. improve B. enhanced C guarantee D. gear

Part Two:

     Vitamins are organic compounds necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals, including man.

     They do not provide energy, 41 do they construct or build any part of the body. They are needed for 4










